The community continues to rise up to be a beacon of light to those in need. With lives are at risk during the COVID-19 pandemic, the CDC recommends we wear masks. The vulnerable populations we serve have needed help with access. Donations of handmade masks have rolled in from individuals, churches and community groups. Thanks to the Unity Church of Palmyra, Epiphany Lutheran Church, Trindle Springs Lutheran Church, Stitcher’s Corps of Central Pennsylvania and individual friends of Beacon Clinic, we have received over 300 masks to share with the households of those in need. We are mass messaging our patients offering contact free pick up. Each mask is packaged individually with instructions. Sewing hope and wellbeing into the lives of others.We are encouraging all to wear a mask, as they can help prevent the spread of the virus. We extend our heartfelt thank you to each person who is investing their time to help save lives. #MaskUpPA  #onelifeatatime #freeclinic #communityrisingup